Publishing Plan
Completed (red = in process)
Home Page (Title and two eagles)
Introduction (change to include new material)
MX-US on the web (9 sections, 25 URLs, add more URLS)
MX-US in print (4 sections, consolidate and correlate with MX-US Book Titles)
MX-US book titles (102 titles, add ranking capability, add titles)
Contact us
Mexico’s history (4 sections, add relevant post April 2020 books each month)
Planned (Not in this order)
Ancient Mexico and the US compared
MX-US creation myths compared
Mx-US treatment of indigenous people
Interactions between MX and US (general)
Texas and the MX-US war
Gadsden Purchase
Juarez/Maximilian/US civil war
Porfiriato and investments
The Revolution/Pershing/WW I
Natural resources/minerals and oil
Immigration / WW I / Depression / Braceros/ “Illegals” / The Wall
Drugs, crime and violence
The San Miguel Life Cycle (Interviews with experts)
Visiting SMA
Moving to SMA
MX-US Real estate process compared
Living in SMA
MX-US legal process compared (visas, taxes, marriage and divorce, estate planning and death, litigation
MX-US culture compared (romance, family, entertainment, wealth, education, health, business practices,
banking and finance, corruption
Leaving SMA
MX-US © 2017